Friday, May 30, 2008

Removed From the Issue

“Removed From the Issue”

When discussing issues regarding race, many express hesitance, due to their feeling that they are somewhat “removed from the issue”. I assume this means that they feel the issues raised do not directly affect them, they have little real life experience, or are just afraid to venture into the mine field that is racial discussion.

These people may feel comfort in numbers, many white people feel this way, so much so that I seem quite the zealot for raising the issues. This hesitancy is natural and a normal exercise of common sense. I do not fault anyone for not wanting to address issues they feel unqualified to expound on, or have no real motivation or reward for investing time in. Not only is there little reward but more often there is great cost in friends, comfort, and distraction from more present matters. Fair enough.

I would however like to point out that this is a view and even “privilege” enjoyed only by white people. No black person can ignore race and its issues. Every one of them has experience on the subject. Racial issues affect them directly. No black person can avoid issues out of fear or convenience, they are wrapped in it.

Realizing this, and attempting to appreciate it, will open the doors to understanding for all of us. This will help a teacher or adoptive parent understand where all the anger may be coming from. It may help the armchair politician understand why all these activists can’t just “let it go”. This is why despite what we were taught about Dr. King’s dream, race still matters.

Now this realization is just one tool to help create context, not the answer to problems. It does not in itself even have to be a “problem.” It is simply the reality of anyone who is a minority of any sort. Whatever makes you stand out, intentional or not, will become a major part of your identity.

We all have a stake in racial matters but only some of us (white people) have the opportunity to choose if we care.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Fine, since it seems no one wants to comment on my last rant (wimps), I'll lighten it up for you.
This is just a page from my notebook. It seemed normal to me till a friend of mine commented on the randomness of the characters. Can you name all three? (of course my sketching could be an obstacle but "phuey" if thats your excuse)

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Questions

This is for all of those who are tired of political correctness.
This is for all those who have had it with all the pandering to minority groups.
To someone who may have lost a spot in college when they know they were just as qualified as that other person, who happens to be a minority.
This is for all of those who are sick of hearing others use a word they aren’t allowed to even whisper.

Tired of quotas.
Tired of double standards.
Tired of hearing all the whining and complaining.
Tired of being made out to be the bad guy.

There is a rising fire storm of anger and resentment among white people who are tired of watching minorities get a so-called “pass” on racial issues. The “N” word can get one person fired while there are no repercussions if another uses the same. It does not look or smell fair and frankly, many white men are tired of it and just as tired of staying quiet about it.

This anger is justified, things aren’t fair.

If this describes you, stop a minute and think about how much real life affect these issues have had on your life and its course.

If you didn’t get that spot in the college you wanted, did you still get in somewhere? Were you really the top of the heap, or somewhere in the middle?
Have the “privileges” given minorities really made your life worse?

Not too long ago white kids weren’t given preference over black kids in school applications, whites were the ONLY ones allowed in.

White people did not get preference on government contracts; they were the only ones who got to bid.

To the angry white male I ask, if reverse discrimination, which hasn’t really hurt you, has you this mad, how angry would you be if it had, for say…100 years?

(The painting is 4 time Alabama Governor, 4 time presidential candidate, George Wallace standing in the Doors of the university of Alabama to prevent the entry of black students).


Carl Marx

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008