Monday, August 25, 2008

Yerba Mate'


kg said...

If we were playing Jeopardy and the answer was "Yerba Mate" the question would most likely be, "What is the bebida celestial?"

Amberlynn said...

Darn. I looked it up and didn't find the site where Kirk is a vendor...

Corbie said...

I think it would be "What is the nasty tasting drink that turns teeth yellow faster than you can say 'tastes like soil'?"

Tiash said...

Or maybe it would be what is the hot drink that Dalyn let my sister sample which resulted in a huge ugly second degree burn on her thigh?
Funny that the description says it uses hot, not boiled water ....hmmmmm

brohammas said...

A) Corbie, you take that back right now! Minus 10,000 points.

B) One who does not even like Mate' should not ask "let me have some" while laying on the couch watching Simpsons. That person should not repeat the request, even after being reminded she doesn't like the stuff, then proceed to simply lay the thermos down on its side ON HER LAP!

With all compassion for the woman (I say nothing on that woman, including her scar, can be ugly)that charma respects mate' and will punish anyone who mocks it.

Kay now respects the mate', the rest of you BEWARE!

kg said...

Makes your teeth yellow? You wouldn't know Corbie you haven't tried the tasty stuff. Also, here is a photo from my last dental visit to prove my teeth are fine...

Corbie said...

I stand you want to make out?

kg said...

"do you want to make out?" Where was this invite 20 years ago!!! Oh how different my youth could have been.

Hagoth L said...

I love the stuff but I haven't had it in years. Somehow, through the years my addiction for it has been lost. However, I still drink the herbal tea and Pero in the winter!