This person's photo has been reproduced worldwide more than nearly any one else in history. Of course it wasn't this photo that is famous but I'm sure you have all seen his picture before. Since this pic is somewhat obscure and my artwork is always in question I'll even start you off with a hint. His pictured activity is tied deeply to his native nationality.
Who is this?
Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Heroic Guerrilla.
Guess who was at church today?
Ya boi Glenn Beck. I should have got an autograph for you!
Che Guevara. Of course, I don't know anything about Marxist revolutionaries, I just saw that the image was called "che" and asked Joshua...
Ernesto Che Guevara
OK if Kembe got it first tan that was waaaaayy too easy. Of course forgetting to change the file name was right on par with the quality of my spelling/typing.
I'm sure ya'll showed Bro. Beck a warm welcome that in no way called him on his shows last week talking about how the civil war wasn't about slavery and the rebel flag isn't racist.
Whats up with the Atlanta ward hosting the big names these days?
Even I got this one, and it only took me about 30 seconds after I saw it. I think you need to lighten up on the hints so we have to work harder and those of us who look at the blog later have a chance. =)
Atlanta (or should I say Hotlanta) wards get all the big names because it is so hothothot.
Oh...I forgot. Do I get any points for knowing he is drinking Yerba Mate (yer-bah mah-tay). I should have known you would have drawn someone sucking down same Mate you addict.
Of course you get points for that.
Kembe got 1 point, Jake gets 10 points for the Mate' reference.
Explain to me how everyone knows Che' but it took forever to get Winston Churchill?
There was never any clue at all on Churchill. You do have to help us out a little bit.
Churchill was a world leader during a pivotal period of history. A period that was also filled with cameras.
Don't you ever watch the nerd...er I mean, History Channel?
I do watch modern marvels every now and again and if they profile a famous criminal then I watch that. If he had been a mob boss or a serial killer I'd have known who he was instantly.
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