This is for all those who have had it with all the pandering to minority groups.
To someone who may have lost a spot in college when they know they were just as qualified as that other person, who happens to be a minority.
This is for all of those who are sick of hearing others use a word they aren’t allowed to even whisper.
Tired of quotas.
Tired of double standards.
Tired of hearing all the whining and complaining.
Tired of being made out to be the bad guy.
There is a rising fire storm of anger and resentment among white people who are tired of watching minorities get a so-called “pass” on racial issues. The “N” word can get one person fired while there are no repercussions if another uses the same. It does not look or smell fair and frankly, many white men are tired of it and just as tired of staying quiet about it.
This anger is justified, things aren’t fair.
If this describes you, stop a minute and think about how much real life affect these issues have had on your life and its course.
If you didn’t get that spot in the college you wanted, did you still get in somewhere? Were you really the top of the heap, or somewhere in the middle?
Have the “privileges” given minorities really made your life worse?
Not too long ago white kids weren’t given preference over black kids in school applications, whites were the ONLY ones allowed in.
White people did not get preference on government contracts; they were the only ones who got to bid.
To the angry white male I ask, if reverse discrimination, which hasn’t really hurt you, has you this mad, how angry would you be if it had, for say…100 years?
I can't stand to be called a wimp. :-)
I may not be your target audience, but that may just be because I feel so far removed from this issue. Honestly, I don't have any anger about political correctness, and don't feel like I've ever lost out because of a quota or "priviledge" given to someone else. Then again, I voted for Hillary for Senator, so like I said, I might not be your audience.
I have to admit that when I read this piece the first time, my first thought was to ask you whether your views on most issues are this liberal (I don't use the L word negatively, so don't take it that way), or whether it's just race. Just a question. I know it has been a few years, uh, okay, a few decades, since I've heard your opinions, so I'm curious.
Ahhh, 9th grade all over again!
Am I this liberal all around? I would say I am more "antagonistic" than Repub or Demo. I am a registered independent and swing like a pendulum in my views.
Race is simply an issue I am uniquely positioned to comment on.
I once had a boss suggest to me that I consider climbing the corporate ladder a little higher than the management position I held at that time because I was a woman and therefore my chances would actually be better at getting the promotion. I was actually a little offended. I would prefer that my work stand for itself regardless of my gender or color.
I didn't comment on this because I have absolutely nothing to add. I became the least liked person in my ethics class (except by the teacher) when I was the ONLY one to stand up for "equal opportunity employment," "quotas" and the like. Every other person argued they were either needless or outdated.
They also came from Idaho...
I must admit, that hanging out with you had made me a bit more open minded when it comes to this topic. Actually living here in Philly and in the ward we do has opened my eyes a lot too. It is difficult for some of us who actually had to work hard to be the first generation of our family to dig out of the ditches of manual labor and get an education. I always thought that I was never encouraged to go to college by my parents and all the effort and motivation came on my own, so I figure why can't everyone just dig themselves out of the hole their life is and become something. I now realize, that the whole attitude of hard work, achieving something, actually being able to live the "american dream", and not ever being held down by my beliefs is not as common of an upbringing as I formerly thought. My whole attitude is a product of my home, community, religion, etc. I always thought it was just the standard for everyone, but I see others who never had those ideas ever exposed to them, so I have a greater understanding of and appreciation for the so-called affirmative action, quotas, etc. Thanks for the enlightenment. I am still not saying people are completely devoid of some self-responsibility and effort, no matter your background and upbringing, but I have definitely had my eyes and heart opened.
To answer Claudia-
No way is he this liberal on other things. He is registered independent and likes to state that fact but honestly he has all the makings of a Republican.
Don't be fooled.
I've never really understood the notion or assumptions that black people never have self responsibility or make no effort to improve themselves.
I'm a black girl from Texas, and whose parents vividly remember segregation. My father went to a HBCU, because he had to, he had no other options, as when he started college in Texas, they were still trying to integrate colleges. My father has worked in the same job for 27 years. My mother is a school teacher. They did what most white people did, improved themselves, worked hard, raised their family, but my father until the late 1980s made less than his less educated,less experienced white counterparts. I would like to think his experience and education got him his job, but I know people will assume he is a quota hire.
I would also like to add, even if you are a "quota" hire you have to work twice as hard and twice as smart to be considered an equal to your coworkers. I grew up knowing I had to do better in school than my white counterparts because as a black person they expected me to be less intelligent than them. When I went to college I assume many people thought I was on financial aid, or got a minority scholarship, and I was a quota without actually knowing my parents paid for my college, I had no academic scholarships, and I graduated in the top 10% of my suburban, and overwhelmingly white high school. They assumed everything was handed to me, I still struggle with that notion, when I tend to see things in the opposite direction. It is assumed by many that whites are more intelligent, more successful, and have exposure and the ability to move up much more rapidly than women and those of color.
I also never seem to understand why people never link white women to affirmative action, as they are categorized as a protected class. They never seem to be seen as a quota hire or it is never assumed they were admitted to college based upon gender alone.
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